Sunday, January 31, 2010


THE FALLOUT OF SEPARATE TELANGANA -Actually identity politics is playing havoc in the country of late.Regional, linguistic, community identity has started taking centre stage in any public protests aimed at creation or carving out something or driving out someone away.There should have been a basis on which states reorganization committee was formed and several separate states were carved out.After that period only in 1990 when Chattisgarh, Jharkhand & Uttarakhand were formed. One cannot be sure whether this experiment was successful or not but in one case of Jharkhand, one is 100% sure that the experiment has failed. Apart from getting a capital at Ranchi and a High Court at Ranchi and the road leading to Ranchi which is good, all the other aspects of development is zero because of excessive corruption. Now perhaps time has again come to rethink on this matter and organising a states reorganisation committe which should be high powered committee which should have eminent poeple, have support of all political parties and given a free hand to discuss all the matter, pros and cons. This particular incident has definitely opened up pandora box for demand of many new states (like Mayawati wants three states out of UP!) -after all, leave alone that Telangana was old issue pending since 1952, so what, Gorkhaland is still older issue pending since 1902!We are a Gandhi country and after all K Chandrashekhar Rao is not the only living Gandhian in the country! If people from every region resort to Gandhian means and start the movement collectively, runnign the country to ramson, then what about India! States must have been carved out of administrative necessity so that fruits of governance reach to the lowest strata. Who would have thought that this issue would one day lead to anarchy!Give Deformed meaning to demad for smaller states. The politicians right from Gram Panchayat to corporator to MLA to MP have not honestly done their work that is why many regions feel left out-Naxalism, perhaps may be also linked to such apathy of the rulers reaching out to the really deserving lot. The politicians are aware that if there are bigger states they will only have to be satisfies with a minister or so, but cannot be Chief minister. SO regional demand comes to their mind. Also there is the question of their ward's career, nepotism-for example for KCR's son, this is just example & applicable every where- greed is the base So if greed, vested interest, money is the basis for such agitations how can you term them people's movement! In fact people are taken for a ride! This is a perfect example of functioning mobocracy- you raise an issue, bring some supporters, arrange destruction and say people's movement. Unless there is honesty, sense of Indian-ness, implementation of law and order you will find these issues cropping up-there are many Indias, after all! You give Bihar a Jharkhand. Then give Jharkhand a Lalkhand(Mica) & Kalakhand(Coal) in places of availability of minerals.SO on and so forth.In fact greed,vested interest,money, nepotism, career is the real basis for statehood, all other basis are farce. KCR should be said that if you are a Gandhian then we follow religious texts! For saving the lives of people if a lie is essential, then be it.Govt did the right thing that day.Take this lollipop at least now.Now in return at least KCR knows his strength and the people's undercurrent demand. Now the sacrifice has to be done from his part and persuade his people not to press too far for the interest of country.Will he? We should ask him, If taking cue of his way many states are carved out then history will not forget him if something goes wrong. Did he fathom it?

Come to think of it. This is known as parochial thinking.We are casteist first, regional second, religious third, linguistic fourth, state's identity fifth and at last comes Indian identity, sixth, leave alond global identity or the human identity.

Time has come to not to leave the governance of the country in the hands of corrupt political system. Checks & balance are required. At least people should now know that politicians are ruining the country on the pretext of "Popular demand"!, in fact "Mobocratic demand"!
And why are we missing logistics costs? Name plates, paintings, photos, check-posts, stationeries, building capital, other govt building, to the tune of 2000 crores or so at least, corruption there, more permits. This fund could have been very happily deplyed for the benefit of the same left-behind people. How many divisions are you going to make.Where will it stop?What is the guarrantee that after this division all the problems will be solved and further division not come up?

Sunday, January 10, 2010



Who is a potential blackmailer in modern corporate India? Let us understand what is meant by a potential blackmailer or the blackmailer in the corporate world and many of them especially new ones have to face this proplem. In times of crisis or when the organization grows it hires some specialist as a consultant or even elevates one of the brightest or experienced of the available manager within the company. It has to be kept in mind that normally the promoters here are either in crisis or are in need of growth to expand or use their capital in some profitable and scalable venture. Now since this consultant or the experienced employee has so much knowledge or you seek advise from him so often that that he thinks that he himself is the boss and company will run as per his whims and fancies. The promoter starts to divulge his vital negative points to him. Now the potential blackmailer carefully stores these sensitive information about the promoter in his hard disc. The promoter, on his part further complicates the problem by seeking advise from him in each and every decision and seeking advise even from those subject for which he is not a specialist as he has established the trust in the mind of the promoters and the promoters are too impressed with his logic. Now often he starts showing tantrums or unreasonable demands, sometimes may classify as blackmail. Not only that, some are so smart that using the sensitive informations they themselves complain his employer to the government departments about secret dealings or lapses made on the part of the company leading to evasion of taxes and duties. On the basis of these informations often government departments in India conducts raids. This problem is faced by many corporates and sometimes the problem is very acute. It is well known fact that there are insiders in all companies and govt departments have to depend on these insiders to get more report about particular companies before organizing raids. Now what is the remedy or a solution? Actually there is no one solution but a combination of many strategies which should be applied on the potential blackmailers so that he is ultimately stifled and apprehended. Some are very astute and may need combination of may strategies and some are weak and can succumb easily. OK. Lets start.

Today is the age of technology. Every move and every step of an enemy/competitor is analysed and monitored and discussed. Never underestimate a competitor or any enemy. And especially when a person as lethal as potential blackmailer whose minds work in four tracks. But war is a war and sometime, its inevitable, for the larger interest of the society/company/mankind/ and you have to fight it. Remember the Mahabharata war which was fought between the brothers or the partition of India which was one of the worst human tragedies in the centuries. Do remember that some dangers and pitfalls will be there and you cannot help it, but still you have to pursue it and try to attain your goals with minimum losses. The point is how you do it with minimum casualties and how fast or slow and at what cost? In short, strengthen your defenses as strong as possible and corner your enemy so that he becomes irrelevant and falls by the sidelines.

Strategy came out of military so it’s a war game. But still two very different games are also played which are not wars but are played in the spirit of a war. One is a slow game- CHESS, and the other one is played fast and in all of One and half hours everything is over- FOOTBALL. Both are equally competitive but the one is slow, played by two people, watched by a fewer people and not played by everyone, so it is not popular. The other one is fast, played for short time, cheaper game, played in open ground and by common people also and also many can watch it and enjoy it, so it is most popular game in the world. But there is no denying the fact that all these are mind games and are played when problem such as this one is confronted. Here not one strategy will apply, but a combination of many strategies simultaneously has to be applied for best and fast results. There has to a combination of both – ATTACKING as well as DEFENSIVE strategy. The goals are clear, the results are known, I present some of the strategies which I think are possible and it is upto the promoters to decide how it proceeds it, because it is ultimately the management which has to implement it and decide how and when to do it. This is such an art which cannot be taught in any schools. Tools can be taught and presented in schools but application-how to do it- cannot be taught. Howsoever best of strategies you have, if you cannot implement it, its of no use. Let us analyse some of them:

1. Encircling: Do not approach him directly, move slowly and slowly around the target so that it is not noticed and ultimately encircle him. Once inside the circle, even Abhimanyu could not do anything and had to be killed.

2. Enemy’s enemy is your friend: Try to find out who is the enemy of the target and make friend with him and plan the efforts with him jointly.

3. No one is permanent friend or enemy: In politics and in war no one is a permanent friend or enemy. Enemy or friend becomes or leaves as per the convenience, importance , interest of the person.

4. Power snatching: Try to snatch as much power, subject from the target. Discuss less and less matter with him. Sometimes IAS offices are put in shunting posts just to make him immobile and is kept in advisory role with no direct executive role.

5. Restrict the subjects: Restrict him to limited subjects- LEGAL/ FINANCE/ACCOUNTS/COMMERCIAL, those subjects you think he has his mastery. Do not discuss any other subjects with him. This is the strategy to continue to use his advise, experience, drafting, knowledge, try to exploit all his relations, try to get maximum mileage and credit out of his relations and references.

6. Love him more and more: In short, excess of sugar leads to diabetes. Shower so much love and affection and regards to him that he is overwhelmed and everytime his eyes are moist. He drowns himself and dies in a sea of love and affection. Give him as much as possible comfort. Whenever a subject is given to him make sure that there is a subordinate who is more than eager to request him to be able to help him complete the job assigned. This way the target gets immobile and starts accumulating fat around him.

7. Put pressure from his acquaintances: There are some people in anyone’s life in front of whom anyone bend on their knees out of respect, awe, age, love, inspiration, faith, fear, knowledge, childhood admiration, etc. There are also some people in front of whom you lay low to respect your dignity. Try to find out those people and put pressure on him of any form. If possible, go to his native place. Sometimes the respected people have to listen to the Sarpanch of his native village so that his hookka-paani is not banned.

8. Find a substitute: Try to find a good substitute, if not one substitute, make four in four subjects who can argue with him in four separate subjects.

9. Deputation: For a man as shrewd as him, it is not possible to keep him out from the place of action, that is, say, Mumbai. You can keep him out for sometime, say for a week in Goa, XYZ, Delhi, etc, etc, but you cannot keep him there permanently. So it is better to send him for deputation, rather, tell him that you please train the company team at XYZ place for one week. Start and continue with this exercise at newer and newer places and newer and newer subjects.

10. Separate cabin: Keep him in a separate small cabin Sometimes when a person who is used to get surrounded by your loved ones, business associates, subordinates, darbaris, and who feels like he is a king in a big hall, when left alone, their mind do not work fast, seek dependents, is fearful of aloofness, is fearful of closed spaces and starts getting disturbed and try to find ways to get out or initiate troubles.

11. Pestering: Start asking him what will be the benefit of a particular move taken by him, or the result of the last decision taken on his advise or the benefit the particular move will yield to the company or question the importance of such move or say that you will not follow this move, or question the very legality or importance of such move, or dispute the result of such moves or invite comment from other people on the particular step or encourage questioning or pinpointing by other people on the particular step. This will keep him busy and frustrated and replying and irritating and he will start not taking any decision. This pestering will make your job of power snatching much easier.

12. Guerilla warfare: Bombay is the land of Shivaji Maharaj. Shivaji was a master in guerilla warfare and inflicted huge casualties in Aurangzeb’s army and at one time became his enemy number one. Guerilla war is not general fight in the open. Here the person is in hiding waits with his weapons and army and when he sees the opportune moment when the enemy is near or lazy or sleepy or not fully prepared he attacks with full force in a surprise and inflicts heavy casualties. The only most important requirement for this is that the person would be capable to act at a lightening speed, complete the job and run away with debris scattered all over.

13. Baits and traps: History is replete with examples how army officers succumbed to beautiful women, wine and money, food and divulge secret informations to the opponent. Baits are laid around the opponent, is lead and sweetly trapped inside the traps laid down. Induce him to do mistake unknowingly and let him fall in his own created net or you create net for him.

14. Espionage: More and more companies are using security agencies to keep an eye on moves and activities of their employees and competing companies/people. They are also using new modern bugging and spying and sting operations to get into the enemy’s area. Some are using MMS or mobile cameras to great effect in monitoring the moves of competitors.

15. Register cases: If you have solid evidences and proofs then go ahead and register a case against the potential blackmailer and if possible more than one case and scattered in different courts all over India by different people, so that he is busy in just attending courts. For that you have to induce and make friends his past enemies or victims or workers or unionists who have been bitten by him in the past. Pat on their back and they will reveal everything and help you in everyway. Help him in registering cases and hiring lawyers.

16. Find more about his cases: Try to find out if there are any cases going on against him and get as much information about the matters, meet the lawyers, keep them in good spirit, arrange meeting with them, expedite the hearing on such matters, get copy of their cases from court and learn the judgements.

17. Regularly keep one of his key associates in good spirits: Try to get as far as possible information about his past, his future plans, his future game plans and try to get into his mind to find out what is going on in the mind of the opponent. Continue keeping this key associate in good spirits. If you have to fight an enemy, who will be the best person than the one who has been in the past and continues with him in the future.

18. Fear Psychosis: With sudden action/notices/slappings create fear in his mind. Bombardment with many slaps will unsettle the person immediately and will be stunned for sometime.During that time you strengthen your defense even further and try to weaken him further and further and let him run for cover. This itself will deter him to try and harm you or even think about harming you. It is often said that “Darr se bade bade bhoot bhagte hain”. Police uses it in full effect to silence the criminals, rapists, troublesome people, people who take law in their hands, corrupt people, frauds, etc, etc,

19. Mediation: If you can’t win them, join them. This is the strategy in short. This normally helps when you are a small businessman but you have a bigger competitor against you then logic says that you make friend with him, reach into some sort of agreement try to find out what are the extra aspirations of the potential blackmailer, so that both prosper simultaneously.

20. Weeknesses: Some people have weaknesses which are expensive, like wines, gambling, stock markets, rummy, horse racing, casinos, etc, and loves talking about them for hours. Induce him more to these mistakes and keep him busy to pursue these hobbies. Not updating himself will anyway make him less lethal.

21. Instigate quarrel with his own ones: Use his son, daughter, wife, son, father, villagers, uncles cousins, brothers and instigate quarrel with him. This will keep him emotionally and mentally preoccupied.

22. You can choose your friend your enemy but cannot choose your neighbour: A man howsoever destructive he may me, is always nice and good in appearance and behaviour in his society, with his neighbours, secretary/ chairman/managing committee, etc, etc. Instigate them to create trouble to him and keep him occupied in fighting with small people or small groups and you strengthen your defences.

23. For the sake of dignity: Sometimes for the sake of dignity, pagdi, a person tolerate noises, comments, tries to pacify him, etc, etc, Instigate such peoples, the goal is to keep him preoccupied in small matters.

24. Prepare competitors: Encourage his competitors in all departments so that there is always one to question or dispute or debate or discuss his particular decision. Engage these persons to always argue with him on all his subjects or find fault in all his points. This constant questioning and pinpointing will be enough to unsettle him and show him the right place as well as it makes sure that he does not play his cards as well as he would have thought.

25. Control ration: Remember the Birbal and dog story, to straighten the dog’s tail Birbal used the same strategy to keep the dog hungry for one month and when it asked for food gave him big stick blows. The result, it became very obedient and did whatever was asked to do, even his tail was straight! Simply because he did not have enough strength left in him to walk, leave alone lift his tail. The lesson: such destructive people should be left to their own and penniless and chances are there that they will do whatever you want and their destructive brains will be controlled.

26. Some football techniques:

· Italian technique: Italians are rock solid in defense and do not allow the opponent to score. Any move the opponent makes they strangle it either by blocking, slowing down the game, man to man marking, fouls, putting two or three defense people to mark their best player, playing ball between themselves, etc, etc. In short frustrate all the attacks. To an outsider it may seem that they are killing the game and wasting time. But it is a clever move to frustrate and test the patience of your opponent. They play inside their half lines and their forwards are also backwards. Once they find that the opponent defense has moved far into its territory in its attacking moves and defence is seeming weak they launch fierce counter-attack. The counterattack is very fast. The forwards ram into the opponent territory with lightening speed using the flanks and score goals, keeping the goalkeepers helpless and the other players clueless.

· South American technique: South Americans believe more in the individual skills and their players are very flamboyant and they attach with great speed and dribble and by the dint of individual brilliance in the attack strategy, score goals. The problem with this technique is that the defense is not strong. Here attack is the best form of defense.

· Messmerise your opponent: In yet another strategy players play in between themselves with maximum ball possession and dribbling and again playing and controlling the ball between themselves. This messmerises the opponent and they are frustrated in not getting the ball and their shoulders start falling. This is the time the opponent sense chance and they take advantage of loss in self confidence and attack and score goals.

· Heavy marking: European teams usually apply this technique on star players or main players of rival team by keeping strict marking on them and make sure that the supply lines are choked so that the ball do not reach him and even if it reaches him he cannot supply it to the desired player and so their strategy goes haywire. As the main player is heavily marked the opponent starts losing confidence, committing mistakes and concedes goals.

· Foul playing: This is one more strategy the European countries applies on star players. They regularly commit foul on the star player. Its not that only one player does it, but at least four or five defenders regularly commit small or big fouls on the star player in regular intervals. This breaks the rhythm of the star player, always falls down so he is injured, gets frustrated and angry, shouts on players and even refree, starts making mistakes and wrong moves and the opponent gets chance to sideline him and use other players to score goal against the star team.

27. Let him come under your hand: If by any chance the opponent comes under your clutches either by way of his goods, credits, his friend’s or referred people goods or credits, money, guarantees, property, mortgages, secret papers, weak points, then you can dictate terms with him.

28. Deterrence: India regularly says that it has developed nuclear weapons not to attack any country but to stop or “deter” any country to attack India. This is called “nuclear deterrence theory”, and it has become a fashion to say that their country’s nuclear programme is for deterrence. A rouge state like Pakistan also says so. It means, you have developed something or you have something or you are so strong which the opponent knows that if it tries to attack the reaction will be equally detrimental for it.

29. Self Confidence: On top of it if you have the self confidence that you can fight and win then half the battle is already won. The war games are war games and one who wins minds wins the war. The self confidence helps you in keeping your team in good spirit, motivated and the opponent thinks twice to make a move and the oozing confidence in the opponent says to him that it is not the time for him to attack but to lay low. Once the opponent lay low, you further increase your defences and plan your moves and further weaken the opponent.

Conclusion: There can be other strategies also which may be applied. At present these are more than a handful and some more can be added later on. The main stress should be not only on the strategy formulation but the implementation, how you do it, which one to apply for how much time, which one to discontinue, which one not to be applied. This is necessary because there are different situations for different company and same strategy which is applicable for one company cannot be applicable for another one. So the application should be customized company wise. Ultimately it’s the person at the helm of affairs who will be responsible and how much risk he will take to ensure the success or failure of any strategy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Corruption at highest level is greatest problem in modern India. We will miss the bus of the century if this menace is not curbed. It is also a fact that no country is free from corruption, but India stands tall among all of them and only one or two countries in the world can beat us! And corruption is so prevalent in almost all walks of life that it has become a norm and way of life for us and honesty has become a rarity. Starting from the top, Politicians, IAS, Police and Businessmen quartet is milking the country. Judiciary has been affected by them. Its unfortunate media has also partnered.

Why only UPA, any government in India will not be able to curb corruption at present, be it application of RTI or heightened Media or Judicial Activitism or anything. These things do affect us but only for a while and after sometime when the heat dies down its back to square one. And it is also a well known fact that Indians and particularly Indian voters have very short memory. They tend to forget in 3 months only, otherwise how can you explain the reason that after 3 months the MNS which laid low for 3 months post 26/11 in Mumbai, again starts to raise its ugly head and spread the same venom against people from particular region or the same party which loses the state in any election wins any bye polls held just after 3 months! And we are thinking of getting ahead of China or Mumbai becoming a Shanghai some day! Some say that since China does not have a political set-up to oppose any government move it takes any step and fulfills it with ruthless force and sees that all the targets are complete. Not so in India, which does provide us freedom to express and dissent but delays any decision- Some of the Perils of democracy. Can we say, we are, may be, not fit or not ready for democracy? Or democracy is fine but we are not honest with it. Ultimately it all boils down to we, the people, the voters who are the ultimate judge whom to chose via our votes.

Some thoughts on process of selecting or electing representatives in India
But what choices the voters have in front of him and what should the voters do? The so called fat cats (politicians are very thick skinned. What normal humans cannot think, they do it and without being ashamed. Today he says something and Tomorrow he may change and say just the opposite next day and blame the media that it has distorted his statements!) only get tickets from the main recognized political parties. And the decision to field any candidate from a particular constituency by any frontline political parties are based on many factors like nepotism, money, money raising power, political patronage, political might, winnability etc etc, rather that clean image, capable or learned or hardworking or honest person. Otherwise who has capacity to campaign and win sits for the party?

And for nomination also there should be some Big Fat Neta to "Propose" your name too! This fact also has to be noted. You will be surprised to know that when a candidate withdraws his nomination under pressure from High Command, in favour of another candidate of a supporting party and not to stand as rebel candidate, the usual reply for common public is that under the voice of conscience and under High Command's order I have withdrawn my nomination. But this statement is for public consumption. What goes behind the scene, and The Reality is HE TAKES MONEY FROM THE SUPPORTING PARTY CANDIDATE OR IMPORTANT RIVAL TO SIT DOWN, WITHDRAW HIS NOMINATION FROM THE FRAY! YES !THIS IS THE REALITY.The public face is different from realty Not only that, this sum for "Sitting" is so big that ordinary mortals like us cannot even think of it. Calculate earnings in one year and multiply by 5 yrs! I have said many time in my tweeters that this corruption will "Ensure" that India will miss the bus of "Our century" BRIC era.

A sober or a genuine candidate do not have the enough resources to campaign as an independent any election in India, leave alone the Loksabha elections. Only Bhais/Bahubali/ Don/Muscleman independents can campaign or tour And, most of all since its only at the time of elections leaders meet the common man so he has to "Give" some gifts to them As mere promises are not sufficient for demanding voters to guarantee a vote. Voters are smart now, they want some "token" from each candidate at the time of election campaign only. Think, who stands as an Independent? One who has confidence with his contacts that he will win, in any case, He knows that any party gives him a ticket or not he will win. He knows that the literacy rate of people of his constituency is very low, his writ runs so large that no one dares to question him, he may go out or not, chelas or supporters go out and solicits votes for him. Loots booth for him. Or Make people vote for him by offering wine or money on election day-he knows he will win And then he decides to stand as an independent. See the benefits- If he is from, say, a state like Jharkhand & it’s a hung assembly or parliament, he is the VIP He can easily demand 100 crore or 10 crore depending on the need of his vote to any party. In fact some are so fast that they take money from both the parties and later on returns the money to the defeated party on tranches, on EMIs or defers it or adjusts it. See the benefits.

These articles on corruption will follow…..


I have a few points to make as a common man for you to consider in policy making:

• Flat Income Tax rate of 10%: I think you are trying to implement it this time. This is a step in right direction. This will free govt machinery who do all the calculations and monitoring so that everyone pay taxes in time. Calculation of 10% is simple- everyone can file it easily, even villagers. Also more and more people will try to get as much benefit as possible of declaring white money as it will not also pinch them. Black money economy will reverse in India and in the next 5 years much of white money will come and compensate any revenues losses.

• The biggest bane in the country is CORRUPTION. Find ways to curb it otherwise why should an honest tax payer pay taxes when he knows that the NETA-BABU-BUSINESSMAN nexus will take away all the money.

• Infrastructure is built once in a lifetime as it many costs attached to it. Please see to it that there is proper audit on the money spent on the quality of the infrastructure created and it whould be world class, not which gets deteriorated in 10 years which is according to me the greatest danger as I travel across the country and see the condition of the road, highways and bridges just built 5 years ago which are showing vicious cracks and they don’t seem to last long.

• Manipulation of balance sheets: Businessman manipulate and inflate their balance sheet to do banking for the nest year following year again show bigger turnover to collect bigger amount from the market. Means, dig a bigger hole, fill up the smaller hole and look for another bigger hole. This valuation and banking game, I am sure is very well known to you, Satyam case and after that overhaul of ICFAI norms and SEBI norms have been able to curb this menace or not, I am not sure Please see to it that in future bankers, Auditors, SEBI and other government regulators keep a close watch on all companies.

• Why don’t you promote small businessman so that entrepreneurship gets a fillip. You know that even if you give money to bigger corporates or the benefits you are allotting to the big business every year in the budget, it will go down from the govt coffers only and much of it will find unethical routes, not reach whwere intended or go down the drain. Why not at least make give a try to entrepreneurship and make easy money available to small innovative men with brilliant ideas or those people who want to do their own business but cannot provide you big turnovers or collaterals for banking. Why not help them?

• For cost cutting why dont you make other Taxation calculations simple which are any way clerical in nature, be it Income Tax, Sales Tax, Customs, Excise, etc. Make it simple so that business themselves do it, it will save time both for business as well as for government also. Instead, try to plug the loopholes.

• It is the boom time for real estate, why not lease out or sale excess real estate available with all the PSUs and govt offices in India? I think there will not be much need of privatisation if you start cost cutting and revenue generation along these lines. PSU executives are also brilliant and that is why you will find them in all the big corporate,s higher-ups. Dont sell cheap your assets to corporates, who, anyway will sell them later on to some other party on a huge profit after milking them for sometime.

• People taking their personal vehicles to other state should not be made compulsory to pay taxes again in the other state. What is the need of double taxation if he has already paid the taxes? Just the Registration number change is OK.

• There are too much paper works on the border check Posts for genuine transporters also, which not only kills valuable time at the check posts, it also encourages corruption, much fuel is wasted, unnecessary traffic jams are created, un necessary pollution is created outside city’s check posts- all in the name of checking and allowing the goods only with proper permits to enter. Why cant there be easier way for hassle free transport of goods and services all over India.

• The service tax slabs create problem in calculating the exact service tax to be paid to the government and also the clarity who should collect and pay-why cannot a uniform rate and fixe3d responsibility be ascertained for service tax. I am sure the thinking is also on for single goods and service tax only which will be fine but it should also address the concern raised.

• Export benefits: I don’t understand the logic of earning foreign exchange now in this regime. Yes there was time when the foreign reserves were very meager but now do you find this as important that you are bent on giving benefit to exporters of any type? This is not to say to completely do away with all the benefits, as it will create havoc in the country and entire export industry in India will collapse but still there should be adjustments as to which industry has to continue getting benefits for strategic needs of the country and people and which industry should be deleted from the list. I give you a latest example. Recently I had been to Cotton Exchange Building where all big Cotton and textile players old and new have their offices. And see what they are doing. They are exporting tons and tons of raw cotton to, hold on, China! And then after getting that cotton manufactured into cloth it is imported back to India. What is the logic and the benefits to Govt. We in India are not getting quality cotton and we are exporting to China for export benefits! And again importing cloth to give back the benefits! The same thing applies with Iron ore and other minerals and raw materials exports Same thing got also applied with regards to commodities and staples like sugar, dals, rice, etc and we are seeing the havoc of scarcity and price rise. Is it planning?

• Development agenda: The present unrest in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi and other states too among the local public about the outsiders coming in and taking up odd jobs has thrown upon a challenge to policy makers at national level. You are the controller of Finance in India, why do you not make it so tough for the leaders and bureaucrats of poorly governed and unaccountable states so that the do not neglect the development of these states. Cant they be made accountable to all the money which is allotted to them goes to the development of the stae and not into the cofgfers of individuals? You can see to it, you have different tools available with you, to monitor the money flow and see that the leaders and bureaucrats develop the states so that the people from these states do not have to migrate to other states. Even the money given to MPs and MLAs for the development of their constituency is through you, it should also be seen to be used at right place. Also the people here are very intelligent and hardworking and that is why they are successful in other states or abroad; why not provide the atmosphere, money, training opportunities, markets, storage, at the state, or district, or block or Panchayat level itself so that they don’t migrate and add to the problems of already bulging cities in India.

To end, this Part I, The common and honest man grinds, not higher ups. Shouldnt they?

Please ponder on it.

Thanks and warm regards and a very happy and prosperous new year.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

TRICKLE UP EFFECT : Dated 06/01/2010

Fast growth trickles up from states: Swaminathan S Alankesaria Aiyar Economic Times, Wed, 6th Jan.
Mr Swaminathan has pointed out in the article that contrary to the usual trickle down effect, the theory holding on for long, quite the opposite has been happening and what we see now is the trickle up effect, as per latest data thrown up by CSO, where growth is taking place surprisingly fast starting from the poorest states with large population. The top performance came from Bihar which showed 11.03% growth rate( large credit goes to the Chief Minister Nitish Kumar who has provided largely good and peaceful governance to the state after coming to power in 2005) and other hither to considered as backward states like Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Orissa, even UP showed tremendous results, together with regulars like Gujarat & Kerala (the exception being Madhya Pradesh which continues to be a laggard) , only Gujarat fared better than Bihar with 11.05% growth rate. These states are coming up to the forefront and contributing to the overall GDP of India. It will be the development of these earstwhile BIMARU states (Bihar, MP, Rajasthan & UP) + Orissa along with some regulars, say, Gujarat which will ensure that India has a decent growth rate of 8%+ going forward and who knows if these growth rates accelerate we may even surpass the growth rate of China some day, which any way is going to start decelerating soon! This reversal of roles, contribution of erstwhile poor states with large population in to the national kitty marks the real growth of India as a whole, which in largely an agrarian economy where 70% lives in villages and most of them most of them reside in these so called backward states only! This is what he describes trickle up effect- growth happening from below and moving up and contributing in the overall GDP and then its distributed downwards by the govt through various schemes to the poor. Many of the states growth resemble that of the miracle economy, (growth rate more than 7%). If the trend continues we can some day say that the fruits of liberalization post 1991 has gone largely to entire population.

How come this growth happen? It did not happen overnight and many factors must have contributed to this spectacular performance and hopefully this becomes the trend. State-level political and policy changes may be one of the factors that accelerated local growth in some states, like say Orissa or Chattisgarh. In case of Jharkhand, though a corrupt state with Madhu Koda, late chief minister being latest example who along with his cronies cornered 20% of the state GDP in their name, single biggest factor may be due to distribution of state income and much of it going to the state kitty of Jharkhand after the division of state. For Bihar, as already pointed out credit goes to the Chief Minister Nitish Kumar who has given in four years a by and large peaceful state. Law and order being the single biggest factor contributing to the confidence in people of state and now the platform has been built to attract the businessmen to invest in Bihar. Bihar has dubious distinction of being the only state which did not get a worthy Chief minister after 1st Chief Minister, Sri Krishna Singh (Bhagwat Jha Azad was only for a brief period and was booted out soon). Just see the potential of Bihar. One Chief minister’ regime has made it possible in 4 years. Lalu’s social engineering may have also contributed it, we will talk later.

Now let us see some other positive things also happening side by side which lead us to believe that further accelerated growth is expected out of these laggard states. Consider the BOTTOM OF THE PYRAMID THEORY of Prof CK Prahalad. Company after company, taking clue of this theory started spreading their wings in the hinterland, be it ITC, HLL, M&M, Other Branded consumer goods manufacturers, Trucks, Motor Bikes, as they saw the large unattended market where people had disposable income and waiting for good products. Not to forget the deep inroad in tele-density in these bottom of the pyramids markets (due to massive drop in call rates, making them cheapest in the world) owing to which we have 500 million mobile connections in India These phones itself are the medium for communication, spreading messages, sending tunes and other value added services and sometimes even getting tips on what are the weather predictions, the commodity rates in MCX or International markets, to mention a few. Success of NREGA and other governmental schemes too definitely have added to this spectacular contribution. Social engineering post Mandal Commission- Lalu and Mayawati effect has also made some contribution to overall figure (though the Law and order problem takes the shine off the Lalu regime and presently ruled state UP by Mayawati also). Then we had also IT companies in boom time increasing their penetration in Tier II & III and even rural areas. These itself had spin-off effect in the overall awareness and education standard of these states. Cheap broadband and internet has also contributed it, though penetration is still low but it will increase with further drop in bandwidth rates.

Now going forward there is greater chances of the trend further continuing with the growing awareness due to increased media, cable density and TV activism. This will further penetrate the education deep down and include women also in a big way who were till the other day left largely uneducated or just given enough training to write their names. With more and more NGO taking up among themselves to spread the RTI provisions we will see further progress. More and more use of EVMs in elections, last election being 100% EVM led elections and largely free and fair general elections will also ensure further improvement (though participation of people in elections is low and some states are trying to use strict provisions to make voting compulsory as Gujarat has recently taken this step).Government’s firm resolve to find solution to Naxalism problem with the most worthy minister available with us for Home ministry, Mr Chidambaram, making it amply clear to lay top most priority to curb this menace soon. Slowly it will be seen that development becoming the election issue. All these are going to contribute massive way in overall Indian economy-a truly trickle up effect where the growth will start really from the bottom of the pyramid and move up to the top. Just like in any business the employees are the first to get benefits, then the taxation (govt is the beneficiary), then the debtors and shareholders are the beneficiary and in the year end the promoters are the beneficiary, if there is any- opposite of trickle down effect, the benefit moves from bottom and them moves up. Lets us hope the trend continues but the other tiger states like Maharashtra, Punjab etc should not slow down, if not grow more than these states.


Last night in Times now program News Hour Arnab Goswami anchored the show with three guest, all doyens in their own right: Madhu Trehan, Nalini Singh & Senior Supreme Court Advocate Harish Salve. Was interesting debate on whether Media has come of age or its just Media activitism or sensationalism of news item like Rahore in Ruchika Girhotra Molestation case, which shrugged off people from the slumber knowing that even after 19 years of lone fight by the family of Ruchika’s friend the culprit got away with only 6 months sentence and immediately got bail. This is one case but there have been several instances in the past too which have been brought forward by the media, many of them recently, leading to the conclusion, and actually all agreed, that media and especially televison has come of age now post the advent of private news channels. Gone are the days when we had to be fed whatever was there to consume from the government controlled channel, Doordarshan. It was as if pre privatization era of 1991 of Indian economy when the license raj was so strong that we had to wait for as basic thing as Bajaj Scooters or Landline telephones or Gas cylinders for months and years and see the present situation, these items mentioned above have all gone out of date!

But media has its own limitations and the sooner it realises it would be better as now even media is not the holy cow as was rightly said yesterday! So media should also not take anyone for granted and whatever it feds to the common public may not be consumed and ultimately it will lose its credibility if its found out to be untrue and would soon be labeled as sensational. At most Media can raise the issue to the level that its taken seriously and the incidences of rape, molestation, corruption, crime, nexus between politician-Goons-Police, slip-up from our government departments whether in foreign policy or matters of public sanity or question of MPs and MLAs getting their salaries and perks and extra free air and train passes for their family without any debate and discussion in Parliament - these matters are brought to light immediately and thorough investigation, prosecution and trial now have started to be taken up seriously by govt. But the sad part is that its only the individual matters that it takes up which is affected positively (much of the population which has been facing the wrath are poor people and those living in villages which constitute 70% of our population of over one billion where still reach of media is very limited). And that also if the media does some serious investigative journalism (which it does in some cases, but in most of the cases its simply very mediocre in research and often comes up egg faced in many matters due to poor research and loud shouting in the name of breaking news) and provide or rather assist the process of investigation. It can do that much only and not more than this should be expected out of media because media does not have the resources or competency or power or is authorized to pass judgment. But it does have the trickle down effect on the mentality of the people and it is not without reason that cases have started coming up lately, especially relating to crime against women, which were hither to not reported earlier as there were not enough public to support a victim. May be such acts could at least instill confidence on our people and then only our democracy becomes stronger because without that the democracy is just MOBOCRACY. And in this regard the media must NOW UNDERSTAND THAT FOR IT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY IT HAS TO PRESENT ONLY CORRECT FACTS TO THE PEOPLE AFTER THROUGH STUDY OTHERWISE THERE IS THE DANGER THAT THE GENERALISED STATEMENT MADE THAT POLITICIANS, IAS, POLICE, (AND EVEN SOMETIMES JUDGES) ARE CORRUPT, VERY SOON THE NAME OF MEDIA WILL BE ADDED TO THE LIST.

One more important fact has to be remembered , Say, like in present Ruchika case if you take back the clock to 19 years and take up this as a case study and investigate each and every people involved in this matter right from the ministers, Chief Ministers, politicians, Babus and Police officers, to principals, to doctors, to policemen to teachers and subject them to rigorous investigation and bring forward the fault of each and every person who aided in subverting justice and they should be punished so that at least now even the smallest of the person in the entire cycle will have fear in doing any illegal job and that they may be hauled up at any stage of their career ( We should remember that currently Finance ministry is going through the files of each and every elected representatives and verifying whether income declarations thy have filed at the time of filing their nominations are correct or not!) then only it can be said safely that justice has been done and we have got result. Otherwise at best we are just bringing up the matter and in the heat of the moment, under pressure the govt. registers FIR, or orders for CBI inquiry or makes fresh case but ultimately the matter goes through the grind of the SYSTEM and we are back to square one when final justice is delivered. The Judges ultimately will give judgment only on the basis of the facts, evidences, witnesses and merits of the case and for that the whole process of investigation & prosecution has to be done competently. Perhaps constitution of Fast Courts or Appointment of new judges could be the supplementing factor.

And, most of all, if the people are not awake and take conscious decision when they go to polls and choose good set of leaders then only it will make the difference. The awakening process should be aided by media. If we elect bad/corrupt/criminal people and send them to Law Making Bodies Parliament and State Legislature, how can we expect justice? We will get Bad Judges, Bad prosecution, Bad Lawyers, Bad IAS officers, Bad Police Officers and Investigating Officers, Bad Police- so on and so forth. This is one fact. The other fact is also true that once the media drops guard then again the system tends to let Manu Sharmas of the world off to parole and partying. But still role of media is commendable.

The another subject was whether Judiciary should be touched for criticism or not. Though I am not an expert on this subject but still some observations can be made. It was rightly pointed out by Mr Salve that any judgment passed by the judiciary must be debated and must be challenged in a way that it should not denigrate the institution of Judiciary. In fact this brings the point of former speaker Mr Somnath Chatterjee’s assertion that judiciary should not intervene in the matters of legislatures as both are at the apex (debatable), Judiciary as well as Legislature, but as a convention, generally Judiciary is held supreme. But if Judiciary is supreme then what about the Legislature and the group of ministers and the Cabinet, who are the democratically elected representatives of people, which is the Law making body in the country? It also supreme All derive power from Constitution of India and constitution of India provides rights to every citizen and it is the duty of the Judiciary to see that no one gets injustice. So like Legislature which is answerable to the people of the country, Judiciary should also be answerable to the people. Of course it a long debatable matter and experts must be thinking over it for a long time.

Actually this whole debate may have also come about because of the decay in moral values of our people in our parliamentary system starting from the top where I have already mentioned that if we, the people, are not alert we deserve the same quality of governance as the quality of people we have chosen. We have chosen bad people and that is why bad sets of decisions are taken and it effects the entire system and it has corrupted the whole system to such an extent that not only the legislature, the executive, the police, the business, even Judiciary or army is not immune to it. This signals the breakdown of entire system which everyone agrees but waiting for someone to start improving the system and start saying NO!. We have to raise to the occasion and demand our rights and do our duties before it is too late. Every individual has to take pledge, I don’t know when but this has to be done and encouraged by recent media activitism this can be achieved. There are tools available in the judiciary systems as well as RTI to question any officer or any decision taken by the govt. Lets be an awakened and empowered society. Not let any injustice be done to anyone and lets be Indian first. Amen Media.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Come on, lets find opinion. Should we go for Privatization of Public sector units in a big way?
Some of the Logics which goes For Privatisation are:

Improved Efficiency

Improved Financial soundness

Improved Accountability

Improved Meritocracy

Fast decisions, No government interference,

Profit to government, govt to use the profits and concentrate on activities it is most suitable or for which it is in existence.

Stock market benefits, better price realization, better dividend to govt and public invested.

Cost cutting in number of persons employed

Improved Customer interaction and loyalty

Quality of Employment

Equally strong Some of the Logics which goes Against Privatisation are:

Precious assets- Land, buiding, capital, people, machineries, disposed-off at throw-away prices. Take the case of privatization of Airport Centaur Hotel, Mumbai by BJP govt. It was sold to a party Batra Hospitality at a throw-away price of Rs 83 crores and later on Batra Hospitality sold it to Sahara Group at a disclosed price of 115 crores in a few months.

Nature of business will change. A viable business is viable business for anyone, whether it is government or private businessmen. If a business can and has potential to generate profits, government can also run it, just good administration is required with farsightedness. Take the case of turnaround of Indian railways. If a businessman knowingly buys a government loss making business, be sure that he will also not run that business. He will either use the property or change the business or do his banking. Don’t be under any false optimism. If government cannot run Air India profitably, so does other airlines in the country, name any airline which is running at a profit. The only low cost carrier airline Indigo seems to be profitable (people in India are very cost conscious, we have been groomed from the beginning to cut costs and save for future) and its model is being looked into by other airlines also and even air India is trying the model, but facing hurdles with unions.

Meritocracy- You cant bet, we are Indian, vested interests are present everywhere.

Corruption - Cannot surely say. No one is immune to it. We talk big every time we get an opportunity to speak on any public platform that Politicians, Babus, Police, Judiciary, even fifth estate, media , are corrupt, but give one a chance and ensure that this deal will not be revealed to anyone, he will not let the opportunity go!

Financial soundness - Even government can do it. After all it has all the banks and resources of the world are at its disposal. In fact Government can mobilize resources at minimum costs and guarantees as it does for infrastructure projects.

Accountability- With rising public interests and tools like RTI and efforts like e-governance and computerization of land records or individual efforts like communicating with Maharashtra Chief Ministers by MLAs only by email, etc, this can be achieved by government also. And on top of it we have PAC, CAG, CVC as watchdog bodies.

Efficiency - Even govt can do it. With little interference fast decisions could be taken. Meritocracy - Do we know that govt has some of the best brains in the country. That they are not able to use it is different matter.

Employment: Public sector employees are not in constant tension that their job is unsafe so they can concentrate on work always looking at long term perspective and benefits. Contrast it with a private employee where there is so much target on his head that for fulfilling the target he goes to any level to see that the work is done at the moment, leave alone the long term implications that some of such decisions might be.

Customer Loyalty: Its better not said. Do you know that people or even companies prefer to bank on government banks as they know that their money is safe, minimum charges are applied, etc. Yes, they do have trouble in standing in queues and getting their money little late but it is more than compensated when the Branch Manager gives a patient hearing to his problems and solves them in minutes and is always available on one phone call. Do you have such personalized service available with a private bank. Is it not customer loyalty or customer satisfaction?

Stock market benefits: Rise in stock market just raises the notional value of the stock, not necessarily the valuation of the company. The valuation is done by strength of balance sheets and not by stock market rise, which is the result of many factors like speculation, lobbies, rumours, news, etc. And balance sheet? Its in the hands of CAs. They can make any projection and manipulate any balance sheet as per the convenience of promoters. Its, better not said.

In fact in case of Public sector, the decisions are taken consciously as the money involved is public money and the public can raise questions even later also through any forum. In corporates huge sums of money can be conveniently shown to be written-off in many ways if the promoters agree and shareholders permission is granted. No such luxury is available in dealing with public money in a Public Sector concern.

Social and emotional costs
This intense chapter should be factored in before taking any privatization decision. There is a question of rehabilitation of a large number of people who are past their prime in terms of getting employment in some other companies as they have been conditioned for a particular type of job and all of a sudden whosoever has not updated his knowledge or diversified his skills or developed alternate source of employment/income, their families are in trouble. No amount of Pensions, or VRS or Gratuity can understand or minimize the pain and insecurity and crisis they undergo in midlife of the career. There is a danger of increase in number of unemployed or unemployable in already overburdened problem of this country and has potential cause of many unrest and class and social struggle.

Its very easy to go for privatization but very difficult to roll back or undo the damage done in entire financial, administrative and social fabric of the company (and it includes the ancillaries and other suppliers shops developed in and around the premises of the company) and that also just for the sake of some additional money to be made available for the government to spend in developmental works! This is much less than what we are not able to use it or waste it or used in unprofitable way. The money which in any way lies unused by the elected representatives every year which is allotted to them to spend for their constituency or by the state governments who themselves who return every year the money allotted to them by the Union Budget every year which they are not able to use it in any developmental works due to lack of available avenues for the betterment of the state or the amount of money which is lost due to corruption in the system (as high as 85% money never reaches the people and only the rest 15% goes to genuine public) .

The choice is before us to decide. Perhaps Divestments may be a better options and we will talk about its for and against some other day.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON DIARY : Dated January 3rd, 2010

Newspaper: Hindustan Times: Collumns : Vir Sanghvi & Khushwant Singh
Times Of India : Collumns: Swaminathan S Alankesaria Aiyar, MJ Akbar,
Swapan Dasgupta
TV News: NDTV 24x7 & DD News

Ruchika Suicide Case
Media trial
Progress by Bihar and other Bimaru states
Indo-Pak bon-homie, Kashmir, Corruption in Pakistan
Movie – 3 Idiots

We are a functional Democracy. Our police, administrative system, judiciary will be as good as our people. If we elect bad/corrupt/criminal people and send them to Law Making Bodies Parliament and State Legislature, how can we expect justice? We will get Bad Judges, Bad prosecution, Bad Lawyers, Bad IAS officers, Bad Police Officers and Investigating Officers, Bad Police- sp on and so forth. In fact it is interesting to know that not only corrupt and criminals are getting elected every year, people go and vote along Caste/Community/Religion/Regional lines is such a way that they elect criminals from their Castes/Community/Religion/Regional so that they can be protected by the terror of the people from other Castes/Community/Religion/Regional. Who looks after the track record of which person is corrupt or who is educated, or who is capable? The result, they elect the same set of people again and again every years, and anyway, India was ruled by foreigners for years and we like being ruled so Royal families and Political families are always elected year after year (after all they are the ones who actually know how to govern!). Not to mention luring and intimidating voters on the voting day with A Rs 100 note, a saree, a bottle of country liquor, a film show, a joy ride, a vacation, a holiday- are better no need to be discussed! The matter has been further compounded by a plethora of parties and growth of regional and personality based parties. How long will media take up the case and run the show to its conclusion. After all media is not a tool of giving justice, at most it can give prominence in any case so that proper investigation and importance be given to a particular case and that also only limited to main cities , but what about the interiors of villages where 70% India lives? How many Ruchikas or Jessikas come up in the limelight? Who takes up the matter apart from the victims family and that too only if the family is well to do and has the courage and capacity to fight it long to take on the higher-ups in the society (See what happened to Shibu Soren whose case is still coming up in Supreme Court in march involving the murder of his ex PA Mr Shashinath Jha. No one is taking up the matter even for one show now, the reason that this is an old case. even I get the answer that this is useless to raise the Shibu Soren case now as the matter is old, from Jharkhand, not major city and does not revoke the king of sympathy it once generated. The result, he is becomes the Chief Minister of Jharkhand, the state which has just come of the Madhu Koda’s corrupt regime. And on top of it Soren is being aided by BJP, the party which claims to me clean party with committed workers working selflessly for their whole liefetime! All in the name of political expediency and just because the state was in danger of President rule or because the MLAs were being subjected to sale-purchase!

At most Media can raise the issue to the level that its taken seriously and the trial does take sincerely. But the sad part is that its only the individual matters that it takes up is affected positively. And that also if the media does some serious investigative journalism (which it does in some cases, but in most of the cases its simply very mediocre in research) and provide or rather assist the process of investigation, it can do that much only and not more that this should be expected out of media because media does not have the resources or the competency or power or authorized to give judgment. Its ultimately the courts of India to decide or pass judgment. For all other matters these once-in-a-blue -moon cases does not instill enough fear on erring officers to deter them from repeating the same practices again and again and so for all the other matters the same problems of judiciary recurs. In the case of villages most of the matters especially related to women don’t even come up. Why will they come up? Who will defend the girl? Who has the courage to fight the system? The poor girl is left to her family to defend her, if her family wants, as in most of the cases the family itself wants that the girl be sent to remote place where no one knows her and is married off and the matter is “settled” in that stage itself. In majority of the cases the family is left alone to defend itself, no one comes to its aid, their friends, officers, any politician or any NGO.

Who has the money to fight the case so long say 19 years. And even if she fights the case what is the guarantee that he or she will get justice. I was aghast today to find from the words of former CBI chief Mr Joginder Singh who cited the findings of a study that says that considering the pace of disposal cases in judiciary in India it will take 466 years to clear the backlog. So leave alone proper investigation and adjudication even opening and closing the file is enough for any matter to get delayed. How can we expect speedy judgement? Case disposal has to be fast not only for women related matters but also other corruption related matters too so that it gets the message to the men in position that you cannot play with the system as long a you want and you could be put behind bars. Only then we can expect fear among people. Say like in present Ruchika case if you take back the clock to 19 years and take up this as a case study and investigate each and every people involved in this matter right from the ministers, Chief Ministers, politicians, Babus and Police officers, to principals, to doctors, to policemen to teachers and subject them to rigorous investigation and bring forward the fault of each and every person who aided in subverting justice.

In actual practice when the cases come up, the matter is not investigated properly by police or investigating officers in collecting proper proofs or evidences to expect any justice from the court. For proper justice the Prosecution should stand up and see that the client gets justice, the other party is not deliberately resorting to dilatory tactics, presenting false witnesses, intimidating genuine witnesses, see that genuine witness come in time, etc, etc. But how it can do? In how many cases the prosecution Lawyer is a learned man or is taken seriously? In most of the courts in India only the laggards and less qualified people are appointed as public prosecutors as it is considered unglamorous. (We should thank M N Singh, then Police Chief of Mumbai for at least getting Advocate Ujjwal Nikam from far-off Sholapur and getting him as Public Prosecutor in Bombay High Court, but this is a rare event). In many cases since the fight is between lawyers, the lawyers of both the parties themselves collaborate and let the cases run for years. In some cases the judges are corrupted to let the cases delay for years. So even if you have fast courts or getting any complaint registered as an FIR or FIRs registered by emails whether the process of prosecution or investigation or fair trial or fair justice would be expected to be delivered fast or not, that should be better left to time. Lets hope for the better.

People should come up and assert demand. There are tools available in the judiciary systems as well as RTI to question any officer or any decision. Actually we are the country of cowards and too much tolerance level. (The only exception comes when the politicians create and mob situation for any matter of Caste/Community /Religion/ Regional or we catch a petty thief and the mob lynches it or when the trains, buses or airlines are running late - we use all our resources in hand to destroy public property or burn buses or use lathis in injuring and killing people). Our Chalta Hai attitude creates all sorts of problems. We take for granted any lapses in law and order or any problem related to harassment or region or language and and let the transgression go till it reaches out of hand and creates crisis. Be it Naxalism, Terrorism, a Bhindrawale, a Raj Thakre, Gujjar movement in Rajasthan, Telangana, Gorkhaland, Kashmir to name a few phenomenons. Lets be an awakened and empowered society. Not let any injustice be done to anyone and develop our ability to question any injustice and fight for our rights. Lets be Indian first.

One surprisingly positive news was about performance of Bihar 11.03% growth rate. Credit goes to the Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Bihar has dubious distinction of being the only state which did not get a worthy Chief minister after 1st Chief Minister, Sri Krishna Singh (Bhagwat Jha Azad was only for a brief period and was booted out soon). Just see the potential of Bihar. One Chief minister’ regime has made it possible in 3 -4 years. Imagine the development if we had got worthy Chief ministers in past 60 years! Biharis always had the ability, it was only that they displayed it in other states or out of India. Cheer Up. Just with its sheer weightage in its contribution to the overall GDP of India has risen up dramatically in India and I think it will be the development of the BIMARU states(Bihar, MP, Rajasthan & UP) + Orissa along with Gujarat will ensure that India has a decent growth rate of 8% going forward.

Now comes the Indo Pak matter. M J Akbar is right in providing his version of the historical perspective of the problem of Kashmir and need for it to be resolved but he did not give solution. I too think there is no solution as of now. But honest efforts should be attempted to resolve the dispute. As far as my limited thinking goes let me venture out and draw a path to the resolution of Kashmir issue, as a common man. I see the only way to start finding the solution is that first both the parties have to seriously think whether they want to solve the problem or not and continue with the current position of not letting and inch go from their stated position. Because it needs strong and farsighted decision and some sort of compromise is needed which has to be approved by people from all three apparent players in the issue: India, Pakistan and Kashmiris. If not then it has to be understood there can only be war, whether full fledged or semi warlike or tension of an imminent war every time, and war is not the solution. Gone are the days when any country defeated another neighboring country and especially when both are Nuclear capable as the world will not let it happen and it will not be beneficial to any party involved either. So once it is decide that the solution has to be found out then talks should be organized between all the parties where the premises has to be decided, boundaries created and tried to find out till which position the other party is willing to go. Once this is done by all the parties then they should go to their respective camps and take some time to debate and decide on the possible position to be put forward in the next meeting. The parties should then meet again with their new positions. Here they must chalk out the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).Once the MOU is prepared the matter should be debated threadbare in Parliament or Law making bodies of all three affected parties and get it ratified. Then again final meeting of all the parties should be organized to sort out the differences and concerns arising out of the debate in their respective countries and tried to further fine-tune the MOU to suit all the parties. Once that is done, all three heads should come and sign the deal at a commonly decided place. After that the only way is to move forward and implement all the solutions as per the terms and conditions mentioned in the MOU and the efforts started to loosening the tensions between boundaries of both countries. Once tensions are reduced then only next time you will have to decide how much flexible you can be with regards to sports visa, writers and artists visa, or other Sanjhauta Express type of trains or bus service between both the countries to inculcate a sense of confidence in all the parties among themselves and once that is done then only we can think of free pass between all three states like India Nepal or a porous interstate border like EU and later on experiment with EU type of currency and later on include Nepal, Sri Lanka , Bhutan or any country which wants to come in. Then the Bon-homie which is talked about should be promoted in a big way. Meanwhile this bon-homie type of things should go on but don’t expect much from these meeting and exchanges as our experience says it only lasts for a few months or years and then an unfortunate incident happens which negates all the good work done in building bridges and we are back to square one. This will take time and all the process should not necessarily follow the same sequence. This is not to say that its not being attempted right now. I think back channel negotiations is going on but since its not getting desired results people are losing their patience and India is meanwhile burning with terror strikes.

Pakistan leaders are all corrupt like our present day politicians, because they are our people only and corruption as a subject will be presented by me later on.

Meanwhile new year has come and I wish all a very happy, prosperous, disease free 2010. This year is crucial for India, as in this year we have to complete the backlog of all achievements which was meant to be achieved in this decade so that we finish it off with the what its truly an Indian decade. I think we can do it. Everyone has to rise above what he or she can do best and contribute to the growth of the country in whatever best way its possible.

Mr Vir Sanghvi has rightly pointed out that the grace which was deserved for Chetan Bhagat was all that was needed from Bollywood’s Vidhu Vinod Chopra for Aamir starrer "3 idiots", like the way credit which is deservedly given by their Hollywood counterparts to the contributors in the success of any film. That’s all. Chetan Bhagat is a celebrity writer and has seen enough fame, and money and presently too he is a media darling. After all if a film is a success everyone should make money. What would have cost the producers of “3 idiots” if Chetan demended his name in the starting sequences of the film rather than in the end of rolling titles? Be a large hearted Punjabi Man Vidhu!

“3 Idiots” came as a big surprise packet and whatever accusations may be hauled on the success of the film, comments by any columnists or media won’t affect the success of this film if people are loving it. What is wrong in doing what you can do best? What is wrong is challenging conventions? What is wrong in saying that the present education system is bad in India and creating a pool of unemployables? Its better we catch up the student when he or she is young and then train them early in the field which is best for him. But till then we have to see that he or she understands what is right or wrong choice and it’s the parents who cannot shun their responsibility and find out what is best career path for their child as per his or her talent and the available career avenues in the market. Till them this type of challenges to the systems will take place and these films with certain message will be succeed.